
  • 2023 (accepted). Kim, Jungsoo and Rok Sim. “A collostructional and constructional approach to the transitive out of -ing construction.” English Studies. [A&HCI]

  • 2023. Nykiel, Joanna, Jong-Bok Kim, and Rok Sim. “Case-matching effects under clausal ellipsis and the cue-based theory of sentence processing.” Journal of Linguistics 59 (Special Issue 2), 327-360. [A&HCI] [SSCI]

  • 2020. Kim, Jungsoo, Mija Kim, and Rok Sim. “Iconicity and properties of Korean -ceney ‘before’ and -hwuey/-nase ‘after’ temporal clauses: A corpus-based perspective.” Korean Journal of Linguistics 45(3): 477-513. [KCI]

  • 2018. Kim, Jong-Bok and Rok Sim. “Horn-amalgam Constructions: A Construction-based Analysis.” Studies in Generative Grammar 28(4): 679-698. [KCI]

  • 2015. Sim, Rok and Jong-Bok Kim. “The transitive out-of V-ing construction in English: A corpus-based study (in Korean).” The Linguistic Association of Korea Journal 23(4): 189-210. [KCI]


  • 2023 (In press). Sim, Rok and Stanley Dubinsky. “Two classes of ‘anyone’: A contrastive analysis of amwuto and nwukwuto in Korean.” Penn Working Papers in Linguistics (PWPL) volume 30.1.

  • 2021. Sim, Rok and Stanley Dubinsky. “Concealed passives and the syntax and semantics of need/philyo in English and Korean Morphosyntactic.” Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America 6(1): 1-8.

  • 2018. Kim, Jong-Bok, Jungsoo Kim, and Rok Sim. “Conceptual Metaphorical Extensions of ‘Eat’ and ‘Drink’ in English and Korean: A Usage-based Approach.” Proceedings of the 32nd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation: 25th Joint Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing, 1-9.

  • 2018. Nykiel, Joanna, Jong-Bok Kim, Rok Sim, and Okgi Kim. “Morphosyntactic form of Korean fragments is relevant to their resolution.” Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America 27(3): 1-14.

In Progress

  • (Under revision). Blanchette, Frances, Stanley Dubinsky, Rok Sim, Amanda Harman. “This construction needs understood: An experimental study of the Vernacular Verbal Passive.” American Speech. [A&HCI] [SSCI]

  • (Submitted). Sim, Rok, Drew Crosby, and D Eric Holt. “A Vestige-Theory Variationist Approach to the Variable Assimilation Pattern in Korean Nasal-Liquid Sequences.” Korean Journal of Linguistics. [KCI]

  • In prep. Sim, Rok and Jungsoo Kim. “Concealed passive construction in English: A collostructional and constructional approach.”

  • In prep. Kim, Jungsoo and Rok Sim. “A corpus-based comparative investigation of the transitive out of -ing construction in American and British English.”